
NEWConnective Online workshop

NEWConnective Online workshop series ‘This is me! Is it?’ starting January 22th

‘Am I who I think I am?’ is the first in the series ‘This is me! Is it?’ workshops in which students are invited to explore and question your images about yourself.

In these workshops you get to do exercises and reflections, alone and in small groups, and share your insights with other participants. You will receive the first chapters from the workbook that NEWConnective compiled especially for you as a guide in your personal development.  After this first workshop you can get some exercises to work on at home. The date of the next workshops will be launched soon.

You will be surprised how much more there is to know about yourself!

  • Where: ZOOM
  • Date: January 22th
  • Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • Price: € 3,50 per workshop
  • Ticket: Get your ticket here

You can also join on February 17th the NEWConnective event on identity: Identity & Inclusion: Who am I?


NEWConnective presents: ‘Identity & Inclusion: Who am I?’, an online event on the complexity of identity on February 17th

NEWConnective is offering you an exciting evening on questions like ‘Who are you and where are you from? How are you perceived and how do you see yourself? Where do you want to belong?’

Throughout this inspirational and educative evening, you’ll receive several academic as well as personal perspectives on the layering of identity. 

As a preparation (not mandatory) you can visit our workshop This is me! Is it? on Friday January 22th.  

  • Where: ZOOM
  • Date: February 17th
  • Time: 7.30 PM – 9.30 PM
  • Price: € 5,- 
  • Ticket: Get your ticket here

In Dutch:

NEWConnective presenteert: ‘Hotel Imperfectie’, een online belevingsevent over Imperfectie op 25 januari (in Dutch)

Op de Dag van Imperfectie neemt een heerlijke hoorstem je ‘s avonds mee naar een andere wereld – De lobby van een totaal Imperfect Hotel. Waar achter elke deur een nieuwe uitnodiging wacht, om je eigen imperfectie (of die van de wereld om je heen) een klein beetje te omarmen.. Vanuit huis! Vanachter je computer! Tijdens de meest bizarre Zoom-sessie ooit. Hotel Imperfectie belooft een knotsgekke avond te worden  die je wereld voor even op z’n kop zet. 


  • Where: ZOOM
  • Date: January 25th
  • Time: 7.00 PM – 10.00 PM
  • Price: € 6,- 
  • Ticket: Get your ticket here


NEWConnective’s weekly Chill moment: ‘Coffee & Meaning’, a good (online) conversation and a hot cup of Jo. 

On Wednesday mornings you can get a good conversation during Coffee & Meaning. Unfortunately for now, you will have to bring your own coffee, because Coffee & Meaning will be held online until the end of January. After that we hope to welcome you back on campus and meet you face-to-face in the 3D centre.

So if you’re looking for a chat or a stimulating conversation Coffee & Meaning is just the thing for you: Relax, get inspired, and get connected!


  • Where: ZOOM
  • Date: every Wednesday
  • Time: 12 PM – 1.30 PM
  • Price: € FREE 
  • Ticket: Get your ticket here